Jake's Fanboy Shenaniganza!


Euphoric Melancholy

This gent, Nicholas Ross, was mentioned by Noctica and friends in her podcast, so I had to take a look. He's only got 2 songs on YouTube right now. The first one, "A Teardrop in The Rain", is simply gorgeous. The second, "ROT", shows potential but it feels a bit rough to me. It's also a bit more metal than what I personally like, although it has been growing on me. I think I need to keep an eye on him and see how things progress.

So I was on Spotify looking for something when I ran into Euphoric Melancholy. Hadn't thought to look him up since he only has 2 songs on YouTube. Turn out he has three more songs over there and I'm liking most of what he does. I may need to add him to the page officially. And if I do that, do I leave this page or redirect from here to there? Oh, the dilemmas.

A Teardrop in The Rain