Jake's Fanboy Shenaniganza!

2024 Music Recaps

I don't listen to Spotify much, it’s not a great platform, but I do use it for music research. I'll listen to an album to see if I want to buy it, explore an artist’s other works, etc. So, I got Spotify's "Wrapped" end of year music summary and Dope Lemon was my most listened to artist (I think I listened to every album he had right after I discovered him, trying to decide which ones I wanted to get) and my top song of the year was Savior (Reimagined) by Noctica with 11 whole plays.

So then, YouTube sent me their end of year thingy and it’s much more interesting considering the amount of time I spend listening to music on YouTube while I work. My top artist was Pacifica with 48 different songs and 13 hours of playtime. Apparently, I was in the top 0.1% of Pacifica listeners, listening 55 times as much as the average listener. The other 4 artists of my top 5 (Dope Lemon, Rolling Quartz, Unicorn Domination, and Brad Sucks) are a little weird as I think maybe they only included new music releases, because while I didn't listen to a ton of Poe on YouTube, I'm pretty sure I listened to more of her music than Rolling Quartz, and I definitely listened to more Brad Sucks than Unicorn Domination, but I mostly listened to Brad's older stuff on YouTube.

My YouTube top song of the year was Savior by Noctica with 286 total plays for 1,102 minutes of playtime (18 hours and 22 minutes). The remaining 4 songs in my top 5 tracks of the year are Trauma by Noctica, Noctica by Noctica, Vampire by Noctica, and Dysphoria by Noctica. So, basically the Dysphoria EP, in order of release. This is a fanboy shenanaganza!