Implement reusable html snippets? Tests indicate it causes issues with Dark Mode. :(
Figure out and add news section.
Figure out how to add some interest, it feels kind of boring.
Narrow body and add background images to sides to make it look better, especially on big/wide screens.
Add custom colors to add variety. Got the mechanism in place, just need to get everything set.
Replace basic links with image grid? Maybe with some fancy mouse-over effects?
Rework log to add pages, the log is getting too long.
Remove Revolver Maps, service is no longer active.
Remove links to the maps page on my site and redirect to homepage.
Update header on every page.
After all headers updated, remove "globe" CSS and adjust "dark-mode" t-marg by -1px.
Add "rock garden" page.
Work on @media CSS for resizing YT & BC.
Do I want to add something between a full artist listing and the Rock Garden? There's quite a bit of good music out there and I don't know how many artists I can resonably maintain on a static site like this. Also, what about aritsts I'm not super into but produce a great album?
Create seperate js files for Site Wide and Area Specific code.
Should I use my guestbook work to devise "to do list" and/or "site log" maintenece forms?
Add notes to artist page.
Rework Dysphoria EP notes.
Update Header.
Add Tribute.
Add notes to artist page.
Add notes to Freak Scene page.
Add individual song pages? no.
What about the covers? Added notes to covers page, will not add dedicated pages.
Rework pages like Noctica's (wide images and videos, other tidbits)
Update Header.
Add Tracks to album pages.
Make and add Tribute.
Brad Sucks:
Add album covers to album pages.
Add notes to artist page.
Add notes to album pages.
Add individual song pages? no.
Rework pages like Noctica's (wide images and videos, other tidbits)
Determine, make, and add Tribute.
Figure out what you're doing with the "Myself Almost" video.
Add notes to artist page.
Add notes to album pages.
Add individual song pages? no.
Rework pages like Noctica's (wide images and videos, other tidbits)
Update Header.
Add Tracks to album pages.
Update "This Road" page.
Make & add Tribute.
Moody Blues:
Add Artist.
Add Artist.
Catherine Winters:
Add artist page.
Add notes to artist page.
Rework artist notes.
Add series & subseries pages? Probaly. Don't think I want to do a seperate page for each book.
Discuss Simmons?
Fan fic? or Fan plan?
Rework pages like Noctica's (wide images and videos, other tidbits)
Update Header.
Rework to add sub pages. Dated? Titled?
Research and create "odd opposition" post.
Update Header.
Add custom colors.
Rock Garden:
Rework page so not all music loads. One iframe that loads selected link.