Jake's Fanboy Shenaniganza!


Jake's Logs

Date Note
2024.09.27 Progress on the site has definitely slowed. All the quick easy stuff is done. Now I'm trying to come up with ways to make the site more interesting. Also need to decide if I want to flush out all the album pages with individual song pages. I did it for Noctica because most of the Dysphoria EP songs had notes I wanted to share, but so many songs are just "I like it" and there not a bunch to dissect unless you get into the musical composition, and I'm not 12Tone. However, I could add lyrics and no notes, not that anyone will be looking to me for lyrics with all the dedicated lyric sites. Maybe I'll leave individual song pages for when I run out of other stuff to do. Thinking that I want to add more artist to the page too, so maybe I'll do that first. I've been looking at people and bands connected to Noctica, and I think I've found a couple I like.
On a more boring note, I may take the revmaps off the site completely. I'm not seeing much logging of locations, and it just depresses me. I was really hoping to see numerous locations around the globe (or maybe just in the US) slowly accumulating on the map, but most of the locations on the map came from me using VPN. There was on generic hit in Canada and a few from Hemel Hempstead in the UK that are not me. I'm also really "enjoying" the fact that I have three different ways to look at user visits and none of them agree. Beginning to think all internet user data is just made-up bullshit.
2024.09.22 Spent some time looking at other Neocities sites to get some ideas for mine. I like my simple and streamlined look, but it's also kind of boring. Just not sure what I want to do yet. And I may need to neglect my site for a bit to work on my home. I have a hard time trying to do more than one project at a time. Maybe because I find it difficult to keep my focus on the task at hand, that any legitimate distraction is just too much.

However, I have to clean out the basement and install some kind of shelving. I need a regular place to store stuff in a semiorganized manner so I can get the rest of my house in order and still find what I need when I need it. I have a whole series of things that depend on that, and it's been holding me up because just thinking about cleaning the basement gives me fits of anxiety. Thanks O'trauma!
2024.09.19 So I switched up the revolutionmaps widget after discovering that an older browser doesn't render the fancy widget I was using. We'll see if I start to get more hits on the map or not. Also, may need to see if I can prevent content from being rendered because that same old browser didn't show the popovers as intended. They should be hidden until a button is clicked, but the buttons didn't work, and all the popovers were just displayed. Researching it, the popover API is relatively new and apparently Firefox has a reputation for being last to the party for implementing such things. Thinking that if I can just hide the news popovers it would make the viewing experience better if not perfect.
2024.09.18 I've still been listening to a lot of Dysphoria but have been mixing in more other stuff too. Of course, a bunch of that "other stuff" was Pacifica, Brad, and Poe, but I've also been checking out some bands connected with Noctica, like Setmeonfire and Euphoric Melancholy. Thinking I might add some of them to my site as well. Although I need to decide if I want to add more artists before finishing the artists I already have. Part of me wants to finish up before moving on and part of me wants to get as many artists as possible on the site, even if they are not fully explored.
2024.09.16 I found a great marquee created by Ryan Mulligan, so I combined it with CSS popovers to create my news section. Basically, just took the HTML, CSS, and JS he created and edited it to fit my site. Had to remove a few generic bits he added for formatting the page in his CodePen demo. I had to add "padding-inline-start: 0" for the UL, because despite it displaying correctly in his demo, on my page the first item had extra space, and it looked off when not moving and created extra space between the first and last item when it was moving. I had to inspect the page to figure it out because, no matter what settings I altered, the space I was trying to get rid of never changed.
2024.09.12 Noctia posted about her September Tour in Australia and it inspired me to add an impromptu "News" section on the home page. Which in turn inspired me to think about how I want to implement a regular news section. Some ideas: a news table similar to this logs and maybe add video/pic viewer rather than have them embeded direcly with the news, some kind of scrolling marquee with links to seperate detail page(s).
2024.09.11 I'm trying to give it some time because I don't get tons of traffic here, but I don't think RevolverMaps is working. Also, I did some searching on Bing to see if my site would come up and it consistently presented a test page where I test big changes or things that might break stuff. Unfortunatly I wasn't aware of the need for the "no index" marker on it when I first created it. Wanted to submit my site to hopefully get regular pages to come up, but Bing will not take subdomain submissions even if they are their own site. So, I added a redirect to the test page to send it to the main page when I'm not actively testing.
2024.09.07 Neocities has a very basic stats page that shows the following info:
Hits occur each time our servers send a file. For example, if a webpage consists of an HTML file, three images, and two JavaScript files, accessing this page would result in six hits.
Visits are a count of unique IP addresses requesting pages from a web site per hour, regardless of how many requests that IP address makes. Visits generally give a more accurate representation of website traffic in terms of real users.
Due to bots, search engine crawlers, and proxy servers these numbers should not be considered completely accurate.
However, I have a genuine love a data (Data too, but that's another subject) and a curiosity about who's visiting. Having helped someone with their website in the past, I was aware of Google Analytics, and decided to see if I could use it to get a better idea of where people were coming from and what they were looking at. However, I had a free account and apparently Google was blocked. So when I saw a cool visitor map on Key's Klubhouse, I wanted one. Having tested it out, it looked like it was working, so I added it to my site. However, after a day or so of being up, it seemed to only record me.
I don't have any need of the paid features of Neocities, and in fact would prefer not to have some of them. But my curiosity was just too great, and I broke down and upgraded to being a supporter. Now I'll have to wait and see if it was worth it. Also, will the RevolverMap start logging more locations or does it not work that well?
Also a gripe about Google Analytics: not only is it kind of complicated, none of it seems very intuitive to me, but they ASSUME you want to track everyone from cradle to grave. I just want to see where people are coming from and what they are looking at. And I definitely don't want people visiting my site to be advertised to because they did. Hopefully none of the ad tracking stuff is working because they keep warning me that I haven't enabled something. I hate that they have so many convenient services that I've come to use. One of these days I'm finally going to get off my butt and start degoogling.
2024.09.04 Wow, I've had this site for 1 whole month. Definitely hit a new point in site construction. Was doing a lot of planning and testing while working out exactly what form the site would take on. Was also trying to get enough "stuff" on the site so that it felt like there was at least a foundation. Now, I think I have gotten the basic structure of the site down and all the easiest work is done. There is still plenty of work to do, but I think it's going to be slower now. Still trying to decide if I want to add a navigation menu. I like the idea of being able to jump from one location to another without having to work your way up and down the directory arms. I just don't like the mess it brings with trying to implement it and keep it up to date. Also, I don't want my site to be too slick and lose its old internet charm.
2024.08.31 Things are coming along nicely. I like how simple the site is, at least from a viewing standpoint. Maintenance is a bit more complex since every page is its own thing. Like today, I discovered I had left a class marker in my header that wasn't doing anything, and I wanted to repurpose the class, so I had to go into every page and remove it (just realized I forgot this page).
But that's kind of the point. I want to do a few things with this site. I want to promote small artists that I think deserve to be recognized, and hopefully get them a new fan or two. I want to create a simple ad-free place people can explore, hopefully liking their time here, and maybe finding a new artist to enjoy. I want to create a place where I can express myself a little. And I should enjoy doing it. Creating this site shouldn't be something I need to optimize, leverage, or synergize.
I am here to enjoy myself.
I am here to express myself.
I am here to share my pleasures with others.
I am here to here to allow small artists to continue creating art for the world.
It may be weird, but I feel like I needed to create that little mission statement to help me remember to not get overly wrapped up in this. It feels like modern life is always trying to make us move faster, do more, think less. I want to try and cherish more of my time, to be more conscious of the decisions I make about the way I spend my time. I don't think it necessarily matters exactly what I'm doing with my time, but more that I am aware of the activities I am choosing, the time allotments I am granting to the activities, and why. There are times we need to work hard, and times we need to fuck-off, but I want to know that I’m doing them because that’s what I decided, and not just pushed into it because that’s the way the current was flowing.
2024.08.28 Got served Glen Campbell's "I'm Not Gonna Miss You" on YouTube today. I forgot how brutal that music video is, and I just had to add it to my site. Made me think of Jonny Cash's version of "Hurt" so I added that too. Think maybe I need to add a section that is more like blog posts to handle instesting stuff I just want to share.
2024.08.25 Thinking I might work on Poe next, just because I have a fun story to go with her first album. I'm still trying to decide what to do with Pacifica and Brad Sucks, because I don't really have any interesting content for either of them. They just make good music I like. Neither had a huge emotional impact or even a fun story about how I discovered them. Then again, I guess I'm not here so much to be a site people visit regularly for great content, but one they stumble across and hopefully find an artist they like.
2024.08.24 Finally getting close to "finishing" Noctica's area of the site. Hopefully it will never really be done, because she'll be making music forever. Need to start flushing out the other artists now. I'm afraid that they will seem "lesser" because I went head over heels about Noctica, but hopefully I can come up with some good ideas. I really don’t want it to sound like: "Here is your Goddess Noctica, you WILL worship her accordingly. Oh, and Brad’s pretty cool too." Also, welcome to the Church of Noctica ;).
2024.08.21 So, I think I decided to split the difference and do a variable semi-hierarchical folder setup. So Noctica has a folder in root (no category or grouping folder) and the Dysphoria EP has a folder. When she has a new album, it will get a folder. If I had an author who just wrote individual books (no series) then they would have their own folder but might not have any subfolders. Basically, give a minimum hierarchy to keep things organized for each item.
2024.08.20 I was worried about losing interest in this project, but it turns out I'm having more issues with self-doubt. This stupid voice in my head does not think, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." (from In Memoriam A.H.H. by Lord, Alfred Tennyson) No, it seems to think, "'Tis better to never have loved at all, than to be a fucking loser." (from Self-Doubt by Trauma) Guess I didn't expect to have to deal with trauma shit just to say I like these artists. Thanks Obama!
In regard to more practical matters, I'm trying to decide what kind of folder structure I want to use before I get too deep into this. Right now I just have everything Noctica in her folder, but I'm wondering if I want to get a little more hierarchical and maybe have something like MUSIC / NOCTICA / DYSPHORIA as a folder structure. They both have pros and cons, and right now I don’t have a clear winner.
2024.08.17 As an ADHDer, I keep waiting for the shiny to wear off this project. Maybe, I'll be able to keep this project going long term. What a novel concept.
2024.08.16 This little site of mine may not be on the level of my fandoms artistically, but it is a creative endeavor, an expression of self. And as such it fosters the same kind of self-doubt and general agita at times. Had a bout of it last night. That little voice saying, "WTF you doin'? Nobody's gonna see it. AND, even if they do, they don't give a shit. Why you wasting your time? Stupid fuck."
Well you know what, you flaccid little devil voice? F.U. I'm taking a page from Noctica:
* I’ll take a chance.
* I’ll Break the cycle.
* Chrome the fuck up! [really any browser will do ;)]
* I’m not going cyber-psycho!
Although this also brings but the feedback issue. Do I want a guestbook, comment type thing? Do I need to know anyone's seen this, that they care in the least? There's a little voice saying "yes, you do" and a big oppositional voice saying "FUCK EM! In this world of doom-scrolling, constant-contact, there's-a-fucking-ad-everywhere-you-turn, my-armchair-quarterback-opinions-matter; you don't need it." Although a forum, a community of fans, would be nice. I wonder with all the social media, could a forum on a tiny site like this actually have a life? Probably not.
2024.08.14 After playing around with it a bunch, finally figured out the issue with formatting links. Think I've settled on the basic formatting of the site for the time being. Now I need to contemplate the layout and of course, add more stuff.
2024.08.13 Making decent progress on the site. Trying to pace myself so I don't get overwhelmed. Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do for my "shrine" idea. Maybe it won't make the final cut.
2024.08.11 So I liked the minimalist look of black on white, but it was a little too stark. It also didn't offer much in the way of theming. A lot of people seem to dislike orange, but I'm kind of grooving on it right now so I started with that as my base. Unfortunately, orange is pretty bright, so I had to go more in the direction of peach and brown. However, it still looks quite nice, and I like the blues I get in Dark Mode. I might try out some other colors like green or teal after I get bored with the current colors. Maybe I can find more ways of injecting orange into the site without blasting my eyes. :)
2024.08.08 Dearest diary, having more fun with this than I thought I would. While I'm kind of here to sell people on my fandoms (what fan isn't), it's not a product that has a plan, gets made, and is done. It's a project that is continually evolving with no clear end. Almost wish I had a copy of every iteration, so I could have a time lapse of its progression.
I've been thinking about the layout, and not sure how I want to organize the fandoms. For now, I think the main page will have them listed, and then each will have their own page. There will be subpages for various things I want to focus on. And I think to be a shenaniganza, each fandom needs a "shrine" page with some over the top, full on 90's website effects.
2024.08.07 If I manage to keep this going I will eventually get to the bigger, more popular things I'm into, but for now I'm starting with smaller, lesser known ones.
2024.08.05 Created Shenaniganza on a whim.